In the world of anime, Studio Ghibli has created magical and impressive works. From “Princess Mononoke” to “Spirited Away,” the studio’s films truly create a magical world. And if you’re a true fan of Studio Ghibli, why not turn yourself into your favorite characters from the movie you love? Today, we’re going to explore 10 awesome Studio Ghibli cosplay ideas you can make. Let’s explore and get inspired together!
1. My Neighbor Totoro Coat Cosplay Hoodie With Ears
Have you ever dreamed of living in the world that Totoro and his friends live in? Now you can make your dreams come true with My Neighbor Totoro Coat Cosplay Hoodie with Ears!
When you put on this jacket, you will be part of the magical world of My Neighbor Totoro. Not only cosplay, but you can also wear this jacket everyday to show your passion for Studio Ghibli and at the same time a unique personal expression.
You can buy it here
2. Ghibli Costume: Spirited Away No Face Cosplay
No-Face from Spirited Away is a highly anticipated character for Halloween parties and cosplay events. This well-made costume includes a cloak, mask, and gloves.
With its eerie appearance and the ability to absorb traits from others, No-Face is sure to captivate attention at conventions and photo shoots. Embody the mystique of this iconic character and enjoy the spirited adventure of Spirited Away.
You can buy it here
3. Howl’s Moving Castle Sophie Hatter Costume Long Dress Cosplay
Transform into the gentle and powerful Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle with the Anime Howl’s Moving Castle Sophie Cosplay Women Costume Long Dress. This exquisite costume captures Sophie’s innocent and plain appearance with her long brown hair tied in a plait adorned with pink ribbons.
The pastel green dress with a white collar and delicate buttons on the chest completes her iconic look. Step into Sophie’s shoes and embrace her charm, beauty, and resilience with this stunning cosplay costume.
You can buy it here
4. Studio Ghibli Cosplay Ideas: Spirited Away Chihiro Ogino Sen Costume
The outfit includes a white medium-sleeved T-shirt with green stripes, pink shorts, white socks, and yellowish sneakers. For her work at the bathhouse, she wears a pink and white uniform with a tasuki cord.
Embrace Chihiro’s determination and bravery by donning this cosplay costume and immersing yourself in the enchanting world of Spirited Away.
You can buy it here
5. Ghibli Costume: Howl’s Moving Castle Howl Jacket Coat Cosplay
Embrace the allure of the charismatic Howl with the Howl’s Moving Castle Howl Jacket Coat Cosplay. This meticulously crafted jacket captures the essence of Howl’s iconic style, intricate designs, and unique collar. This cosplay jacket will transport you to the enchanting world of Howl’s Moving Castle.
You can buy it here
6. Ghibli Cosplay: Tombo Kiki’s Delivery Service Shirt
Stand out with the eye-catching Tombo Kiki’s Delivery Service Shirt Cosplay. This red and white striped shirt perfectly replicates Tombo’s iconic outfit from the beloved film. Embody his adventurous spirit with this comfortable and stylish cosplay shirt.
You can buy it here
7. Studio Ghibli Costumes: Kiki Dress Cosplay
Experience the enchantment of Kiki’s Delivery Service with the Kiki Dress Cosplay. Available in two sizes for adults and children, this costume features Kiki’s signature blue dress with white collar and red bow.
Whether you’re attending a cosplay event or playing pretend at home, this dress will transport you to Kiki’s magical world of adventure and friendship.
You can buy it here
8. Cosplay Chihiro Ogino Costume T-shirt+Shorts
Immerse yourself in the spirit world with the Chihiro Ogino Costume T-shirt+Shorts cosplay set. This outfit perfectly captures Chihiro’s iconic style, featuring a white medium-sleeved T-shirt with green stripes and pink shorts.
You can buy it here
9. Howl Pendragon Shirt Cosplay (Howl’s Moving Castle Shirt)
This meticulously designed shirt replicates Howl’s iconic style from Howl’s Moving Castle. With its white color, intricate details, and elegant collar, this cosplay shirt exudes charm and sophistication.
You can buy it here
With top Studio Ghibli cosplay ideas compiled in this article, we hope you can find the studio ghibli costume you’re looking for. Let’s explore and choose a unique studio ghibli cosplay to express your love for Studio Ghibli.
NOTE: If you have questions about the article or want to buy the product, please contact Ghibli Merch :